
Foreign Students’ Class Regulation

2017年10月30日 浏览量: 评论() 来源: 作者:

1.     Foreign students are required to enter classroom 10 minutes ahead.

2.     The monitor shall report to the teacher before class if there are students absent. Foreign students may not leave the classroom without teacher’s permission.

3.     Foreign students should listen carefully ,make notes and take an active part in class. When they are going to answer questions, foreign students give the answer with teachers’ permission. The teacher or monitor gives the report when leaders attend the class.

4.     Practice and operation should be conducted as required by teachers. Foreign students are required to obey the regulations, cherish the instrument and avoid the accident. Downloading and spreading pornographic or lavatorial images and articles are forbidden. Downloading, publishing or pasting speeches attacking, fouling or harmful to the images of other countries are forbidden. Speeches against Chinese laws and regulations of our college must not be propagandized through the Internet.

5.     Keep the classroom clean and tidy. No spitting and trash throwing arbitrarily. Classroom should be cleaned at least once a day.

6.     Smoking in classroom is prohibited even in self-study time.

7.      Foreign students are not permitted to walk around or talk to mobile in class.

8.     Please show the respect to every teachers. When you discuss with teachers, any sarcasm and insulting are forbidden in class.

9.     Please wear formally in class. Slippers and sleep coat are not permitted.

10.   Food is forbidden in class. Any exceptions should be allowed by the teachers.

11.   Please ask for leave in advance if you can’t attend class in time. Over 6 absences for classes will be stopped to have class. 

